To the individual experiencing pain, their unique view of the world is interpreted through a nervous system that has an altered perception or risk and safety. As such, knowing how to facilitate a comprehensive & meaningful consultation is an absolute must!top-10-consultation-questions-clients-pain

It's important to note, these questions are not intended to be used in a linear fashion. In fact, we need not ask all 10 questions for the consult to be incredibly valuable. Furthermore, many of these Top 10 can be utilized during the assessment or programming demonstration aspects of the session & not just during the consult. 

The following questions are designed to magnify cognitive understanding and enhance emotional awareness, while uncovering each client’s unique point-of-view regarding their pain experience. 

The answers revealed can be profoundly influential, for both you & the client:

  1. Can you remember when you first noticed that pain was becoming problematic?
  2. What sorts of things have you been told about pain and what it means?
  3. What have you been led to believe about the cause(s) of your pain?
  4. How have you managed to stop pain from getting worse?
  5. I'm wondering, if you have a story of something that was once a problem for you, that you were able to move away from? 
  6. How do you see me contributing towards your journey of reducing pain?
  7. Do you have a sense of what will be different when pain is no longer a central theme in your life, as it is today?
  8. If you could envision a future where pain is no longer present, what do you imagine being possible?
  9. I’ve asked you a lot of questions today; Is there a question I haven’t asked yet, that you thought I would have by now?
  10. Is there something you know now, that you were unaware of before our session began?

Collectively, these questions seek to chaperone the emergence of awareness, understanding, & an enhanced sense of safety for each client! When this occurs, hope and possibility re-emerge. 


Taking the Mystery Out of Consultations

The Yellow Brick Road: A 4-part framework for coaching clients in pain provides health and exercise professionals an online course that integrates:

  1. psychological theory,
  2. pain neuroscience,
  3. interpersonal relationship-building principles and
  4. client centered coaching essentials;



From the moment your client walks through your door, till right before you begin their biomechanical evaluation / movement assessments; that's the entire focus of the Yellow Brick Road! 
