LEVEL B: Sway Back Pose Ankle Squeezes

Functional Purpose

Biomechanical Outcomes:

To create a stable base via four-points of contact (hands / knees) perpendicular to the vector of gravity to facilitate passive extension of lumbar spine..

Enhance osteo and ligamentous stabilization (form closure) with the lumbar spine in extension.

Promote bi-lateral, low-level lumbo-pelvic-hip stabilization to mitigate forces associated with gravity’s downward vector.

Neurological / Physiological Outcomes

Foster an environment geared towards the integration of cognitive and associate motor learning mechanisms.

Augment cognitive processing mechanisms associated with the planning phase (closed skill learning) and motor unit recruitment involved during the execution of exercise.

Enhance bi-lateral lumbo-sacral stabilization via active contraction / tension generated at the lateral hip compartment / deep external hip rotators.

Psycho - Social Outcomes:

Upregulate cognitive-perceptual mechanisms involved with regulating emotions and influencing neuro associations (neurosignatures). The emergence of such competence aids in the development of psychological resiliency.


Degree of hip abduction (widen knees) to increase mechanical line-of-pull of lateral hip compartment / deep external rotators.


Knee pain with approximation of the patella.

Pain associated with wrist extension.



LEVEL B: Side Plank

Functional Purpose

Biomechanical Outcomes:

Accentuate frontal plane demand at the lumbar spine, pelvis and hip resulting in increased spinal stabilization in an attempt to mitigate gravity’s downward vector.

Synergistically integrate hip abduction with same side lateral flexion to enhance frontal plane lumbar stabilization.

Promote co-contraction of abdominals and obliques to aid in resisting transverse plane influence and increase lumbar stabilization.

Neurological / Physiological Outcomes

Upregulate motor unit recruitment in response to the isometric demand.

Enhance tensional-stability and connective tissue resiliency associated with increasing frontal plane stabilization at lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.

Psycho - Social Outcomes:

In the midst of this exercise and its demands and challenges (influencing autonomic arousal), overcoming such adversity aids in the development of psychological resiliency and emotional regulation, reverberating in adaptive cognitions and secondary appraisals (enhancing coping resources).


Shorten level length (knees).

Stagger and separate feet placing both on the floor to increase base-of-support.

Incorporate full muscle action spectrum and perform dynamically with active raising / lowering vs. static / isometric hold.


Glenohumeral joint impingement.

History of sacroiliac dysfunction.

Lumbar fusion.

Some forms of scoliosis. 

Level A

Level B

Level C

Level D