Via Bottom Up Emphasis
LEVEL A: Static Wall with Femur Rotations
Functional Purpose
Biomechanical Outcomes:
Increase bi-lateral hip rotation autonomous from gravitational influence over the pelvis and entire upper body.
Enhance transverse plane hip rotation independent from the pelvis and lumbar spine motion.
Neurological / Physiological Outcomes:
Enhance cognitive processing mechanisms associated with the planning phase (evaluation) and motor unit recruitment involved during the execution of exercise.
Promote connective tissue extensibility associated with internal and external hip rotation.
Psycho - Social Outcomes:
The introduction of localized and independent hip rotation fosters a novel experiential awareness designed to help expand maladaptive appraisals and challenge any associated neurosignatures of hip rotation avoidance.
Distance of pelvis to wall.
Degree of ankle dorsiflexion
Hamstring contracture.
LEVEL A: Supine Knee Drops
Functional Purpose
Biomechanical Outcomes:
Foster an environment which utilizes principles of relative motion (hips moving faster than pelvis in same direction) with the emphasis geared towards promote reciprocal hip internal / external rotation.
Assimilate complimentary ankle, knee and spinal motions associated with respective hip internal / external rotation.
Neurological / Physiological Outcomes
Encourage connective tissue extensibility at multiple segments (hips, knees, ankles, torso) and the enhancement of optimal sensory-motor integration.
Psycho - Social Outcomes:
Cultivate the development of positive affect within a environment where the gradual exposure of multi-segment motion is accepted / perceived by the client as being safe and self- reinforcing.
Degree of hip rotation.
Lumbar fusion.