Empowerment Around Pain Comes with Understanding What Provokes and Perpetuates


One of the most valuable things we can ever do at Function First for our clients is to empower them with self-efficacy and agency over their results.


I have often described what I do as a sh*tty business model, because when I give my clients what they came for, I lose that client. Where many of my colleagues see their fitness clients 100 times or more a year, I will usually see mine 12 or less.


In that spirit, I have recorded a short video using a handful of slides from some of my international presentations that will highlight what your clients can do for themselves outside of the medical community that can be the biggest influence on their journey. 


These "levers" combined with your strategic exercise programming and coaching around the pain science are a recipe for success.  


Trust me because I do it every day. 


Like what you see? Share with us your client success and we might highlight you in an upcoming newsletter. 


Committed to raising the bar, 


Anthony and Kevin