We used to have to be participants in live seminars | workshops in order to ask the educators questions we have for them. Now, we have Curbside Chats! In chapter 1, Kevin sits down with Level 1 PFMS grad Laura. She has LOTS of questions... & Kevin is all ears.

The full outline of the video is as follows:

0:00 - From College to PFMS
2:18 - Potentials of growth | the hiccups
4:02 - Assessments... beyond linearity
7:51 - Approaching uncertainty & pain
9:36 - The role of the practitioner
16:45 - Practical strategies involving the Mirror Neuron System
21:07 - Moving away from 'black & white' optics
27:27 - Biggest challenge at Kevin's first Mentorship w/ Function First
32:57 - Embracing multiplicity breeds confidence in programming justifications
35:46 - Program design & the auditing considerations