This Platform and its Four ‘Categories of Content’ Will Help You Understand & Solve Your Clients Most Stubborn & Complex Pain Problems
Biopsychosocial Video Exercise LibraryExperiencing pain involves biomechanical, psychological and environmental factors. Anything less than an exercise strategy that includes biopsychosocial outcomes is incomplete. This video library is the only platform available which includes biomechanical, neuro-physiological, psychological and environmental outcomes for every single exercise.
Podcasts and WebinarsSometimes consuming education takes place in the car, while cooking supper, or getting ready for work. It’s why so many love audio books. It’s a two-for-one. Designed for the multi-tasker, this category provides an avenue for listening and learning while remaining productive throughout your day.
In-studio Video PresentationsiPhones and Andriods are great, but not for creating high-quality content. There is no substitute for in-person learning, but the costs involved make attending such environments inconvenient and problematic for many. We’ve set out to make this platform as close to a live, in-person learning experience as possible.
Articles and PublicationsAn assortment of literary resources to quench your thirst for all things biopsychosocial. Anthony’s best selling published book, decades worth of articles & international media publications, along with select peer-reviewed research studies provide you the opportunity to dive deep into how to use biopsychosocial strategies with your clients in pain.